Are you being constantly hounded over your financial situation, pressured by credit card debt, wage garnishment or the threat of a home foreclosure? At wit’s end and not sure where to turn for help?
Debt collectors aren’t just annoying. It can feel like harassment when they come calling for your money again and again.
But you can turn the tables on them by calling an attorney.
For as little as $100 you can hire a bankruptcy lawyer, forcing debt collectors to stop those nasty phone calls. An initial consultation, over the phone or in person, often is free.
“As soon as you hire an attorney you’re protected under the Fair Debt Collection Practices Act,” said Melvin J. Babi, an attorney with Babi Legal Group, PLLC in Farmington Hills. “Once you retain an attorney, the federal law kicks in. It’ll stop the phone calls.”
Talking to an attorney can help you understand how bankruptcy works, help you evaluate your options and get you protected from creditors. You might be surprised to learn what paths are available.
For example, here are four things to know about filing for bankruptcy protection:
- It’s not as expensive as you think to hire a bankruptcy lawyer. Down payments often are low, with additional fees spread out with a payment plan or disbursed through the bankruptcy process.
- You probably won’t have to get rid of all your stuff. There are different kinds of bankruptcy filings, and in many cases you can get protection from creditors without forfeiting assets like your car or your house or even money in your bank account.
- You won’t be broke forever. In fact, bankruptcy may be the wisest way for you to deal with your finances and get a fresh start that puts you back on track for financial recovery.
- As soon as you hire an attorney, you’re protected under the federal Fair Debt Collection Practices Act. That means no more harassment from bill collectors.
In serving more than 2,500 satisfied clients over the years, Babi Legal Group has encountered many financial situations and knows how to help people determine whether bankruptcy is right for them.
Unlike large law firms where clients can get shuffled between attorneys and meet with somebody different on every visit, at Babi Legal Group the same lawyer guides clients through the process with personal service from beginning to end.
For more information about Babi Legal Group and how to put an end to those harassing calls from debt collectors, call 248-434-4110 or click here to set up a free consultation.
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