Need a Criminal Lawyer?


  • You will get the best possible outcome in your case with Babi Legal Group in Novi.
  • Your lawyer will work tirelessly on your behalf and fight to protect your rights.
  • You’ll have peace of mind knowing that a professional is handling everything for you!

Fighting for your case in Novi, MI with our criminal attorneys

The criminal defense attorneys at Babi Legal Group are here to help protect your rights as well as to guide you through this trying time. We’ll work tirelessly to keep you out of jail so that there is no permanent criminal record associated with your name. With our team of experts by your side, we can fight for justice and seek a fair outcome that benefits both yourself.

Our criminal defense lawyers in Novi, MI are here to help with criminal charges

No one likes to deal with the criminal justice system. It’s scary, confusing, and complicated – but we understand how you feel because our firm has been there before too! We know what it feels like when everything is on your shoulders and that burden can seem unbearable at times.

We are not here to tell you what we can do for your criminal defense because every situation is different and the client has their plan of action that they want to follow, but rather how our law firm will be able to assist with any legal needs promptly. With years of experience across all facets of Michigan’s justice system, there isn’t much about it that escapes us- or anything else either!

How to select a criminal defense attorney?

The most important factors to consider when selecting a criminal defense attorney are: what kind of defense lawyer fits your needs best, how much can you afford, and if the firm is licensed where you live. There are three different styles for defense lawyers that apply here: Public Defense Attorney’s Office; Private Practice Defense Lawyer; or Hired Criminal Defense Attorney. These three types of lawyers vary in their cost, level of expertise, and availability. Generally speaking, the greater demand an area has for an attorney will mean he/she charges higher rates whether at a public defender office or as a private practitioner or hired attorney doing pro bono work on behalf of various firms from time to time.

How to find the best criminal defense attorney?

The first step is to find a criminal defense attorney in your geography. Most attorneys will only work in the state they are licensed in. It is easier than ever to find one online these days and many will have online consultations without charging you for anything. Once you have found some potential candidates, do more research than just looking at their website. Many factors go into deciding which attorney is best for your case and it can be difficult to know who does what until you consult with someone face-to-face or over the phone. Ask them about their qualifications and experience, but also inquire about how often they take on cases like yours.

Questions to ask when hiring a criminal defense attorney?

Here are some questions that Babi Legal Group recommends you ask:

  • How many cases have you personally handled?
  • What is the size of your office? 
  • How many attorneys are there in your practice? 
  • Who handles initial client contact after I contact the firm? 
  • What are the firm’s qualifications and expertise in criminal law, specifically violation-of-probation law? 
  • Have you previously helped clients with probation violations or other types of criminal charges, such as possessing drugs or driving under the influence?
  • If so, what were some outcomes for these additional crimes? 

Contact us today and we can discuss your case today!

What to look for in a criminal defense attorney?

Criminal defense lawyers will have a specific area of expertise, such as defending individuals against crimes. These are not the same attorneys who handle wills or property law issues like buying and selling houses; those would be civil attorneys instead. If you live in an isolated town with few professionals to choose from then it may make sense for your lawyer to practice across both criminal and civil cases.

How to get a pro bono criminal attorney?

It is necessary to first contact a public defender, who will assess the probability that you qualify for a pro bono attorney. If you cannot afford a private lawyer but are eligible for free legal representation, this may be appropriate for you. Once eligibility is confirmed by the public defender, this specialist will make all court appearances and speak with law enforcement on your behalf. 

How to find a good criminal defense attorney?

A criminal defense attorney should be knowledgeable about the law and should be attentive to detail. They should be willing and able to handle your case professionally without judgment or preconceived notions, even if you’re a victim of a serious crime. A good indicator of how well an individual will work with their client is whether or not they speak directly when meeting in person, as opposed to showing that they are superior by talking at you but not looking at you. Remember that the attorney-client relationship begins with a consultation; conduct yourself appropriately. The lawyer needs to feel like he knows everything about his case, so he needs to have all available information. Here at Babi Legal Group, we are happy to give you a free consultation today to view your case!

What is a criminal law attorney?

A criminal law attorney is someone who handles cases that involve the punishment of violations in criminal laws. They usually handle all stages of the process, beginning with gathering information before trial or sentencing and continuing long after any enforcement has ceased. They’re also referred to as a defense attorney. 

Their first responsibility during this phase is to receive all relevant facts from their client to determine if there are grounds for legal relief. It’s hard to defend someone without knowing everything about their case, so it begins with gathering evidence by interviewing witnesses and gathering documents like medical records or arrest records that might be present at trial- if it ever reaches that point.

What do a prosecuting attorney and a defense attorney do in a criminal case?

A prosecutor’s job is to show the defendant as guilty, and a defense lawyer tries to prove his innocence. The two are major players in criminal trials that involve defendants who have been accused of crimes against society. The criminal defense lawyer’s job is to provide the best defenses possible for clients who have been arrested and allegedly committed a crime. The criminal defense attorney may offer low flat rates on select cases, as well as one complimentary 30-minute consultation with an experienced criminal defense lawyer when you visit their office

How much is a criminal attorney?

There is no clear answer that would satisfy all the variances in criminal cases, but an average criminal court lawyer can attract fees from $500 up to hundreds of thousands.

Different types of lawyers will have a different range of prices. There are private attorneys, public defenders, and judges who usually charge differently based on their level of expertise.

Lawyers charge for legal consultations at an hourly rate or a flat fee which can depend on what type of case it is how complex it will be.

What makes a good criminal defense attorney?

Three types of offenses and defenses need to be considered when choosing a criminal defense attorney: white-collar crimes, violent crimes, and drug-related. Each type requires to focus on different aspects of the law as well as different strategies for building a successful case. In a criminal defense attorney’s office, they should have knowledge in the following areas: general probate law, trusts and estates law, corporate management; contracts; bankruptcy; administrative governance. The most common problem faced by clients is not finding an available counselor who has experience in your specific area of concern but rather being matched with someone who may be more interested in getting you out quickly than ensuring that justice prevails.

Why hire a criminal defense attorney?

Hiring a criminal defense attorney is especially important for non-violent crimes such as shoplifting, fraud, and embezzlement. It may seem like hiring a criminal defense attorney could be a waste of money if you’re innocent regardless of whether or not you hire one. However, there are many reasons why hiring an experienced trial lawyer will benefit your situation. First and foremost, the process is much more streamlined without counsel present. The DA often turns everything over to the judge and requests they go ahead with hearings straight away since they don’t have time to argue cases in court when there are so many other outstanding charges piling up.

About Babi Legal

Babi Legal Group provides exceptional legal and consulting services in a confidential and professional manner. The Firm’s combined 20 years of real estate experience, over 10 years of business law, criminal, bankruptcy, debt collection and debt settlement experience provide our clientele with the extraordinary personalized service they deserve.

Babi Legal Group is a law firm with an unrivaled reputation for providing exceptional legal services to clients in various areas of the law. The Law Firm of Babi Legal Group is fully committed to a philosophy of client service, excellence, proficiency, value and results.

Legal Practice Information

Babi Legal Group, PLLC

39500 High Pointe Blvd.

Suite 155

Novi, MI 48375


See what others In Novi, MI have to say about Babi Legal’s Services.

Nikki G.

Mr Babi is an amazing attorney/person and I thank him for all he has done for me and my family. I will be referring his law firm to my family and friends.

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