When considering bankruptcy one must realize the complexities of the bankruptcy process as well as the risks associated with a bankruptcy in order to prevent the potential loss of personal property, real estate or business assets. As experienced Bankruptcy Attorneys, Babi Legal Group will assist you with the bankruptcy from A -to- Z, advising you along the way with the most practical and beneficial solutions curtailed to your unique circumstances. Many common reasons that attract individuals and families to explore the option of bankruptcy include:
Why Bankruptcy?
- Stop Foreclosures
- Stop Vehicle Repossessions
- Stop Garnishments of: Paychecks, Bank Accounts, State Income Taxes
- Stop Lawsuit Judgments
- Eliminate IRS Tax Debt Credit Card Debt Medical Bills
- Reduce Car Payments
- Remove 2nd Mortgage From Home
- Protect Retirements Bank Accounts Assets
- Stop Annoying Creditor Calls
- Start Repairing Credit
Non-Bankruptcy Debt Relief
As Bankruptcy is not the right solution for everyone, there are also many other Debt Relief options we offer, which include:
- Loan Modifications
- Short Sale
- Deed in Lieu of Foreclosure
- Credit Card Settlements
- Debt Consolidation
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