Is CBD Legal in Michigan 2022?

Over the last 15 years, states across the country have begun to address marijuana and products derived from it in different ways. Even the federal government has gotten in on the act, legalizing certain products through the 2018 Farm Bill.

Michigan first addressed the topic back in 2008, making medical marijuana legal, as well as CBD products that had higher concentrations of THC if they were derived from marijuana.

With CBD products all over the market — and with laws varying so much from state to state — it’s natural to have questions about what is and isn’t legal in Michigan.

Below is a full breakdown of whether CBD is legal in Michigan for 2022.

Is CBD a Drug?

Before diving into the specific laws, it’s important to understand what CBD is. CBD is the acronym for Cannabidiol, a chemical that comes from a plant called Cannabis stavia, which is more colloquially known as either hemp of cannabis. 

There have been more than 80 chemicals found in that same plant, and they’re collectively known as cannabinoids. The most well-known is THC, the active ingredient in marijuana that gives people the feeling of being “high.”

CBD comes mainly from hemp, which is a form of the same Cannabis sativa plant, though it contains much smaller THC amounts. It has similar effects on the body as THC, without the “high” feeling THC produces in the brain.

For this reason, CBD has been used for a while now as a prescription to treat people with seizures, pain, anxiety, Crohn disease, Parkinson disease and other conditions.

CBD is considered a controlled drug, and its legality is set by various laws in America.

What is the CBD Law in Michigan?    

Michigan first legalized CBD in 2008, along with legislation that made medical marijuana legal. In 2018, the federal government weighed in on the issue, making industrial hemp that contained 0.3% TCH or less legal.

In 2019, Michigan altered its laws slightly so that they aligned with federal law, making CBD products derived from hemp legal as long as they had less than 0.3% THC.

Michigan also made recreational marijuana usage legal the same year, which expanded what CBD products people were allowed to purchase, possess and use in the state.

What CBD Products are Legal?

CBD products that are derived from both marijuana and hemp are now legal in Michigan. Once the state legalized the recreational use of marijuana, both of those products became legal.

If you are in Michigan and over the age of 21, you are legally allowed to purchase, possess and use any CBD products, no matter where they are derived from. 

Under the state’s recreational marijuana law, anyone who is over that age are allowed to have in their possession as much as 2.5 ounces of marijuana when they’re outside their home and as much as 10 ounces when they’re on their own property. These rules also apply to CBD that is derived from marijuana.

The one thing to keep in mind is that these are state laws and not federal laws. It is only legal to possess CBD that’s derived from hemp and has less than 0.3% THC federally. So, if you are traveling out of state, it’s important that you follow each individual state’s laws in regard to CBD.

Are Edibles Legal in Michigan? 

CBD products come in many different forms. Edibles, those that you eat, are one of the most popular forms. Michigan law doesn’t stipulate which forms people are and are not allowed to purchase, possess and use. As such, CBD edibles are legal in Michigan.

How Much CBD Can You Buy in Michigan? 


The rules for CBD follow the rules laid out in the recreational marijuana law passed in 2019. Anyone who is over the age of 21 can legally purchase CBD in Michigan.

If the CBD product is derived from hemp, there is no limit to how much you can purchase legally — as long as it contains less than 0.3% THC. The limits to how much you can legally purchase only come into play when the hemp-derived CBD contains more than 0.3% THC or is derived from marijuana.

In these cases, you can purchase up to 2.5 ounces at a time. That is because you are only allowed to possess that much outside of your home. You can possess up to 10 ounces while on your property, though, which means you can purchase up to 2.5 ounces multiple times and then keep it for future use.

Do I Need a Card to Buy CBD?

Once voters in Michigan passed the recreational usage of marijuana in 2018 — and it officially became law in 2019 — people no longer had to have a card to buy CBD in the state. Before then, you were required to have a medical marijuana card to purchase CBD products that were derived from marijuana.

In 2022, you do not need a card to buy CBD. You only need to be at least 21 years old.

Is it Legal to Give Your Child CBD Oil in Michigan?

Parents can legally give their children CBD oil in Michigan as long as it contains less than 0.3% THC and is derived from hemp. This product, as mentioned before, is not regulated the same as marijuana either in the state of Michigan or federally.

Only in rare cases are other forms of CBD available for children, and those forms must come from a doctor’s prescription.

Is it Legal to Smoke CBD and Drive in Michigan? 


Michigan has very strict laws when it comes to driving under the influence. In fact, the state treats driving while under the influence of marijuana the same was as driving under the influence of alcohol.

Technically speaking, it is not illegal to smoke CBD and drive in Michigan as long as the product contains less than 0.3% THC. The problem, though, is that if you are pulled over and have THC in your system, you could be charged with driving under the influence.

That’s why it’s always advisable to not drive in Michigan if you have consumed CBD recently — regardless of what product it is.